Housing pathways for young people

Everyone needs a place to call home, but young people in our communities can face challenges accessing housing.

Under the Housing and Homelessness Action Plan 2021–2025 (PDF, 3466.73 KB), we committed to helping vulnerable young people to achieve social and economic independence through an integrated framework of housing with support.

Delivering on this commitment, the Queensland Government released Towards ending homelessness for young Queenslanders 2022–2027 – a policy and framework to improve housing outcomes for young people.

Towards ending homelessness is supported by a $29.8 million investment to deliver initiatives to ensure young Queenslanders have the information, opportunities and support to access safe, secure and affordable housing when they need it.

In February 2024, the Queensland Government announced Homes for Queenslanders, a $3.1 billion investment into the housing system over 5 years.

Homes for Queenslanders includes a number of commitments for vulnerable young people, including:

  • construction of 8 new youth foyers to provide stable housing and support for young people who are studying or working
  • provision of a youth subsidy to make it financially possible for community housing providers to house more young people
  • establishment of an integrated Youth Support Centre in Brisbane in partnership with Brisbane Youth Service, providing coordinated support for young people to access help with housing, health, mental health, alcohol and drug issues, domestic and family violence, and other related issues
  • delivery of 8 new supported accommodation services for young people experiencing homelessness
  • provision of extra night workers for identified, temporary, supported accommodation sites
  • investment in new mobile services to help young people find and keep housing.

This is in addition to the $47.3 million (excluding GST) in Homelessness Program funding in 2023–24, allocated to 39 non-government organisations to deliver specialist homelessness services across Queensland, providing support services specifically for young people. These supports include temporary supported accommodation and tenancy sustainment services.

We continue to grow housing options for young people by leveraging new housing supply through the Queensland Housing Investment Growth Initiative.

We also provide and link young people to a range of support options to help achieve long-term social and economic outcomes, while sustaining social, affordable, or private market tenancies.