Building and construction developer review

The independent Developer Review Panel (Panel) appointed to review the role of developers in Queensland’s building and construction industry has delivered its final report. The report has been tabled in the Queensland Parliament.

The report contains five recommendations and several observations that seek to address the issues the Panel identified, minimise red-tape, and provide data insights to inform future policy development.

The Queensland Government is considering the Panel’s recommendations to ensure any reforms offer the best outcome for Queenslanders.


The Panel was appointed under the Queensland Building and Construction Commission Act 1991 (QBCC Act) to conduct a review of the role of developers in the building and construction industry. The review followed industry feedback about the important role of developers, and the need to examine the impact of their financial and operational capacity, ethical behaviours and work practices.

The remit of the Panel was to:

  • advance the work already done by the Queensland Government to support security of payment in the building and construction industry; and
  • consider the impact developers have on the quality and safety of design, construction and certification of buildings and other work practices.

The Panel was guided by Terms of Reference (PDF, 499.23 KB), as well as a workplan and stakeholder engagement plan.

Final report

The Panel concluded that developers are a key influence on the building and construction industry and that their behaviours help set the tone of a project and have flow on effects for security of payment, solvency and building quality and safety.

The Panel made five key recommendations which they described as “a benchmark for a better standard for developers in Queensland” aimed at embedding cultural change and promoting professionalism in the development sector. The recommendations are as follows:

  1. establish an accreditation, disclosure and registration framework for developers
  2. improve industry education
  3. clarify developer responsibilities in relation to non-conforming building products
  4. clarify developer responsibilities in relation to fairness and contracting in Queensland, and
  5. promote the uptake of digital tools for recording design and construction information.

Read the final report here (PDF, 2321.18 KB).

Panel members

  • Ms Alison Quinn – Chair

    Alison is a professional non-executive director with more than 25-years’ experience as a chief executive officer and senior executive in the property development, aged-care and seniors’ sectors.

    Through her roles with public, private and government organisations, Alison has developed valuable operational and commercial expertise in the areas of property investment, funding, infrastructure, and development. Alison has significant expertise on the impacts and challenges of Australia's ageing population and has been at the forefront of thought leadership to meet the housing, care and other service needs of the baby boomer generation.

  • Ms Gina Patrick – Member

    As managing director of Plus Systems, Gina is passionate about raising the level of innovation, professionalism, and the quality of workmanship in the building and construction industry, to provide better quality buildings and reduce risk and rectification costs for both industry and consumers.

    Having enjoyed a career in construction, manufacturing, and advising to businesses across many industries, Gina brings expertise in strategy, business performance, change management, financial performance, and legislation.

    In addition to being a representative of multiple industry bodies, Gina is a former board member of the Fire Protection Association of Australia.

  • Mr John Payne – Member

    John was a founding partner of Hall Payne in 1991 and is one of Queensland’s most experienced and respected industrial relations lawyers. John has spent 39-years advising unions and community organisations on their diverse legal needs.

    John is experienced at drafting sophisticated employment instruments, contracts, merger agreements and operating agreements. He has also previously lectured in workplace health and safety law at QUT.

    He is currently a Director of the Alzheimer’s Association of Queensland, Byron Aged Care Ltd and a board member of the Prostate Awareness Association, Queensland.

Industry Reference Group (IRG)

View the list of organisations

The Panel was supported by an Industry Reference Group (IRG), which comprised representatives from these organisations.

  • Australian Institute of Building Surveyors
  • Australian Institute of Architects
  • Housing Industry Association
  • Insurance Council of Australia
  • Local Government Association of Queensland
  • Master Builders Queensland
  • Property Council of Australia
  • Queensland Building and Construction Commission
  • Queensland Council of Unions
  • Queensland Law Society
  • The Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors
  • Urban Development Institute of Australia – Queensland