Safer Buildings Taskforce

The Safer Buildings Taskforce was established by the Honourable Mick de Brenni MP, former Minister for Energy, Renewables and Hydrogen and Minister for Public Works and Procurement (the Minister) in October 2019 and ceased on 30 June 2023, after providing advice to government in response to its Terms of Reference.

The Taskforce was established to:

  • oversee the ongoing assessment and rectification of combustible cladding materials on Queensland buildings
  • review the availability and quality of safer buildings program data
  • provide advice to the Minister on the need for a legislative framework to compel rectification of buildings affected with combustible cladding if necessary.

Stakeholder consultation – combustible cladding in private buildings

Following consultation with the Ministerial Construction Council, the Safer Buildings Taskforce developed options for government to consider how to address the following issues:

  • what steps the government should take to make privately-owned buildings with an identified cladding fire risk safe
  • whether owners and the building industry should be provided with support and guidance to ensure appropriate rectification solutions are developed and if so, in what form.

The government is currently considering the outcomes of the Taskforce’s consideration and its recommendations relating to private buildings..