Townsville Youth Foyer

The Townsville Youth Foyer offers 40 young people, aged 16 to 25 years, single occupancy units where they can rent a home in a safe and stable environment, while being supported to achieve their education and employment goals.

Experienced youth support staff provide 24/7 on-site assistance for the young tenants and ensure support is available when needed.

The Townsville Youth Foyer was built by Paynters Pty Ltd, with early works commencing in November 2022 and completed on 30 May 2024.

On-site management and support

The Townsville Youth Foyer is managed by Mission Australia in partnership with Mission Australia Housing.

Mission Australia manages the Townsville Youth Foyer and provides 24-hour support and supervision to the young tenants living there.

Mission Australia is a not-for-profit organisation with expertise in managing supported housing. It has a long history of achieving positive outcomes for young people throughout Queensland.

Mission Australia Housing provide property and tenancy management of the foyer.

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