Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Plan

The Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Plan 2024–27 (PDF, 814.35 KB) has been developed to enhance and support a diverse and inclusive workplace that is reflective of the communities we serve.

The plan outlines the goals, actions and measures to achieve our commitment and cultivate a workplace culture where the values of equity, respect, inclusion and cultural safety are embraced and demonstrated every day.

The plan has been developed through evidence-based and collaborative approaches. Annual equity and diversity audit insights have informed dialogue with employees and leaders on potential inequities and barriers to diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) progress in the department.

We have engaged employees, diversity groups and senior leaders to better understand their experiences, capabilities and where to focus actions that drive systemic change across our work, workplaces and workforce.

Diversity groups

We recognise, monitor progress and engage with diversity groups through our equity and diversity audits, diversity targets, Working for Queensland (WfQ) survey analysis, engagement with employee network groups and executive DEI champions.

The goals and actions within this plan aim to address whole-of-department considerations. This approach ensures our strategies are comprehensive and effective, by acknowledging and addressing the nuanced realities of our workforce and fostering a truly inclusive environment for all.

Where appropriate, targeted initiatives will be developed through further engagement and collaboration with employees from the diversity groups.


Women represent 51.60% of our workforce, however this gender profile is not reflected across all salary levels. For example, women are overrepresented at the AO3 equivalent salary level and underrepresented at higher salary levels, with the women in leadership figure at 53.17%.

Some occupations and classifications are heavily dominated by men, for example the trades workforce, while women are overrepresented in administrative classifications.

Aboriginal peoples and Torres Strait Islander peoples

First Nations employees represent 3.98% of our workforce, which is below the sector and department target of 4%. There is a higher proportion of First Nations women (57.76%) compared to the departmental female profile, and First Nations women are overrepresented in lower salary levels, particularly at the AO3 equivalent salary level.

First Nations women are underrepresented in higher salary levels and have the lowest average earnings of all groups analysed in the 2024 equity and diversity audit.

People with disability

People with disability represent 5.52% of our workforce, which is below the sector and department target of 12% and there is a high representation of women with disability at the AO3 equivalent salary level. In the 2023 WfQ survey, people with disability responded less favourably to questions regarding wellbeing, leadership and cultural safety.

People from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds

People who speak a language other than English at home represent 5.62% of our workforce, which is below the sector and agency target of 12%. Additionally, people who were born overseas represents 8.49% of our workforce.


4.93% of the 2023 WfQ survey respondents identified as LGBTIQ+.

Performance against Queensland public sector and departmental diversity targets

ProfileMOHRI (EEO) (%)WfQ responses (%)Sector and
targets (%)
Women 51.60--
Women in
People with


  • CALD – People from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds
  • LGBTIQ+ – People who have identified themselves as lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, intersex, or questioning
  • MOHRI – Minimum Obligatory Human Resource Information
  • EEO – Equal employment opportunity
  • WfQ – Working for Queensland survey

Our workplaces

Harness collaboration, innovation, leadership and diversity to drive engagement and outcomes.
Foster workplaces that are supportive, flexible and psychologically safe.

Inclusive systems, policies and processes


Systems, policies, and processes are inclusive and enacted in a way that enhances DEI in our workplaces and drive better outcomes for the community.

Focus area and actions

Recruitment and onboarding:

  • Embed DEI into workforce planning and vacancy management by developing and promoting resources, including implementing guidelines on targeted recruitment and identified roles. (2024–25 timeframe)
  • Apply tools and resources from the Even Better Public Sector for Queensland strategy (Actions 16 & 17: Consistent induction and onboarding; and Action 18: Inclusive recruitment and selection), including implementing guidelines for onboarding employees with diverse needs. (2025–26 timeframe)

Policy application and enactment:

  • Partner with employee network groups to review departmental policies, procedures and resources (prioritised based on equity and diversity audit findings and staff consultation), ensuring accessibility for all work groups, and improving intranet navigation and efficacy. (2025–26 timeframe)

Flexible work arrangements:

  • Collaborate with leaders to set clear expectations and understand how flexible working options can be applied consistently, including in front line services, field work and leadership roles. (2025–26 timeframe)
  • Communicate a suite of targeted messages to employees regarding flexible working, such as: promoting shared care responsibilities and entitlements; building manager capability to implement flexible working where possible; profiling senior leaders engaging in flexible working; and raising awareness around cultural leave. (2025–26 timeframe)
  • Review job design and apply organisational design principles to identify and implement ways structural flexibility can be integrated into work practices. (2026–27 timeframe)


  • Progress towards diversity targets
  • Working for Queensland Survey:
    • Fair treatment
    • Flexible working
    • Diversity experience
  • Equity and Diversity audits:
    • Workforce composition
    • Diversity group representation by salary level
    • Flexible working data
  • Employee Network Group Survey results
Accessible workplaces


Workplaces are accessible for all, including for hidden disabilities and taking into account cultural considerations and background.

Focus area and actions

Workplace accessibility:

  • Engage with employee network groups (ENG), and internal and external partners to identify and implement ways workplace accessibility and inclusion can be enhanced. (2026–27 timeframe)
  • Collaborate with the All-Abilities ENG to update the Reasonable Adjustment Policy and develop and implement resources that incorporate the recommendations from the Queensland Human Rights Commission Building belonging report. (2025–26 timeframe)


  • Progress towards diversity targets
  • Working for Queensland Survey:
    • Diversity experience
  • Employee Network Group Survey results
Respectful, safe and inclusive workplaces


Our workplaces are respectful and safe, and enable a sense of belonging, underpinned by an inclusive culture.

Focus area and actions

Leadership and engagement:

  • Integrate DEI expectations and measures into performance agreements for executive leaders, program leaders and team leaders. (2025–26 timeframe)
  • Strengthen engagement with DEI matters through regular values- based communications from leaders where the benefits to having a diverse and inclusive workforce are demonstrated. (2024 and ongoing timeframe)

Education and awareness:

  • Drive DEI promotion though an annual DEI communication plan, using multiple communication channels, including messaging from the DG and DEI champions, sharing staff spotlights and storytelling to deliver targeted messages. (2024 and ongoing timeframe)
  • Acknowledge, celebrate and educate the workforce on DEI matters through observing significant DEI events such as NAIDOC Week, Disability Action Week, IDAHOBIT, Multicultural Queensland Week and Queensland Women’s Week, including International Women’s Day. (2024 and ongoing timeframe)
  • Amplify diverse voices by embedding the utilisation of the ENGs and DEI champions into governance committees. (2024–25 timeframe)

Biases and culture:

  • Conduct a deep dive into the workplace culture surrounding diversity groups in occupations/workgroups where they are significantly underrepresented to identify and implement initiatives that will improve inclusion. (2026–27 timeframe)
  • Demonstrate support for employees participating in cultural and inclusion events and employment programs for diversity groups by increasing Program and Team Leaders understanding of the individual and organisational benefits of initiatives. (2024–25 timeframe)
  • Identify and implement targeted strategies to improve psychological and cultural safety, using findings from WfQ surveys. (2025–26 timeframe)


  • Working for Queensland Survey:
    • Diversity experience
  • Code of Conduct
  • Keeping you well
  • Employee Network Group Survey results

Our workforce

Responsive, diverse, compassionate and flexible.
Work in partnership to achieve better outcomes, culturally capable and respectful workplaces.

Career development for diversity groups and regions


Advance opportunities for career development for diversity groups and regions, enabling career pathways and progression, regardless of background, occupational group or workplace location.

Focus areas and actions

Career progression:

  • Develop targeted programs and processes to improve diversity group representation across the department, including identifying non-traditional pathways to leadership and senior leadership roles. (2026–27 timeframe)
  • Improve career pathways for diversity groups through analysis of establishment data, such as numbers and classifications of ‘identified’ roles. (2026–27 timeframe)
  • Create targeted support programs for intakes in development programs to reduce attrition rates and provide engaging, inclusive and supportive workplaces for diversity groups (e.g. women in construction). (2026–27 timeframe)

Regional factors (2024–26 timeframe):

  • Phase 1: Review earnings, total earnings and entitlements to identify inequities for regional locations and people based in regional and remote locations.
  • Phase 2: Map potential career pathways to improve opportunities for regional career progression through a deep dive into regional experiences relating to job progression.
  • Phase 3: Consult and engage stakeholders to address inequities.


  • Progress towards diversity targets
  • Equity and diversity audits:
    • Workforce composition, including by regions and division
    • Diversity group representation by salary level
    • Recruitment and higher duties data by diversity group
  • Participation rates in targeted development programs
  • Working for Queensland Survey: Diversity experience
Inclusive and culturally capable workforce


Inclusive and culturally capable workforce, contributing to an inclusive culture of respect, diversity and belonging, free from discrimination and racism.

Focus areas and actions

Capability uplift:

  • Review the existing DEI and cultural capability training model and recommend improvements that focus on accessibility, anti- discrimination and anti-racism. (2025–26 timeframe)
  • Create a manager toolkit with resources to progress DEI outcomes through education in talent sourcing and selection and employee experience and development. (2025–26 timeframe)


  • Working for Queensland Survey:
    • Diversity experience
    • Code of Conduct – discrimination
  • DEI and cultural capability training completion rates
  • Manager Toolkit evaluation

Our work

Purposeful, outcomes-focused and creates a sense of fulfilment.
Is complex, delivered across boundaries and adopts new ways of working.

Culture of inclusion, belonging and continuous improvement


We foster a culture of inclusion, belonging and continuous improvement by integrating DEI considerations into our ways of working.

Focus area and action

Inclusive practice and culture:

  • Embed DEI into operational planning and workplace practices by identifying and implementing new ways of working. (2024–25 timeframes)


  • Working for Queensland Survey:
    • Diversity experience
DEI intelligence to inform decision making and activities


DEI intelligence informs inclusive and evidence-based decision making and future activities.

Focus areas and actions

Data gathering and research:

  • Empower divisions and workgroups with a diversity data dashboard, providing meaningful data that allows for drilling down and analysis to inform workforce planning and workforce management decisions. (2024–25 timeframe)
  • Analyse the Working for Queensland survey results by diversity group experience to identify areas for improvement. (2024 and ongoing timeframe)
  • Conduct a deep dive into the earnings for diversity and occupational groups, and understanding potential inequities identified, such  as our temporary workforce composition and health and wellbeing factors. (2025 and ongoing timeframe)
  • Enhance the reporting and tracking of diversity group participation, progression and experiences by improving data capture and implementing targeted employee experience surveys. (2025–26 timeframe)


  • EEO census data – proportion of staff completing diversity data
  • Workforce planning maturity assessment

How we will measure progress

Delivery against actions will be monitored through annual progress reporting to the People and Culture Governance Committee.

Continuous improvement against a suite of metrics will be used to measure progress towards goals and outcomes, including:

  • progress towards diversity targets
  • DEI and cultural capability training completion rates
  • equity and diversity audit findings
  • development program participation data
  • diversity group representation across salary levels
  • evaluations of initiatives (e.g. toolkits and resources)
  • Working for Queensland survey data
  • workforce planning maturity assessments
  • employee network group engagement and survey data.

The plan is a living document and will be reviewed and updated throughout the reporting period (as required).

Links to other plans, strategies and legislation

The plan is aligned with other departmental and sector plans and strategies and may be updated as these are reviewed.

Our department


Queensland public sector